Who Runs The World? American Business Women!
In honor of American’s Business Women’s Day being September 22nd, we wanted to give you a list of phenomenal business women and their...

Malala Yousafzai: A Young Hero
In honor of International Youth Day being August 12th, and it’s theme for this year being transforming education, we wanted to highlight...

Time Is Money: Here Are Some Tips To Manage It Well!
Saving one minute on a project may seem insignificant, but if you ask the person who missed their train, they would most likely say a...

Christmas In July
Before you start pulling out your Christmas tree and Rubbermaid of festive wrapping paper, let us clarify: it is time to start thinking...

Keep Your Kiddos Entertained This Summer
Warmer weather brings summer vacation, which means kids are out of school and are ready for a fun packed break! Not everyone is...

Brittany: Marketing Director
Social Sensei Brittany is our Marketing Director and Bottoms Up Tanning & Spa Manager, but when it comes down to it, she’s a professional...

Alex: Lead Bookkeeper
Best of the West If you know her, you know she’s a stellar bookkeeper. Nonetheless, she prefers to be called the “Best of the West” both...

Kayla: Administrative Assistant
Bug the Bambino She’s the youngest one on the team, but that doesn’t stop this Administrative Assistant from being a force to be reckoned...

Heather: Operations Manager
Organizer of Random Thoughts and Erratic Activity Heather is our “Operations Manager,” but she’s known best in the office as the...

Terri: Bookkeeper
Ruler of Results The title “bookkeeper” doesn’t fully encompass all that is the laser-focused and self-determined team member that is our...