New Year New You
Happy New Year!
Our favorite time of the year has begun. Hello tax season!
These tips and tricks displayed this month are more important than ever so give it a quick skim and as always, if you have questions, concerns, or want coffee, we have answers, insight, and coffee.
Click here to view our tips this month or look below.

1099's are due JANUARY 31, 2017
Keep track of your mileage and receipts (CLICK HERE for 2017 mileage changes)
Take everything one step at a time
Order your new 2017 Labor Law posters ASAP! Failure to post these laws could result in fines. Get your poster from Amazon. Click here.​

Click here for pricing and more information. Save your spot TODAY. Call (707) 449-8267 or click HERE to book online.
A Morning of Networking // January 17th at 8am

Better Bookkeepers will be hosting a Wake Up with the Chamber of Commerce at our office
330 Merchant Street, Vacaville
January 17, 2017
Refreshments, coffee, and opportunity for great conversation. Don't miss it!
Introducing Payroll Masters & Employee Screening
Looking for a payroll company? Want to have peace of mind before you hire a new employee?
Take a look at the Employee Screening services and resources that Payroll Masters provides by clicking here.
Then take a look at their Employee Screening HERE.
Vacaville Ice Plex Corporate Broom Ball Certificate FOR SALE

Want to make your next office meeting a smash (no pun intended) or put on an amazing birthday party?
Invest in some very creative team-building with an hour and half session at the Vacaville Ice Plex for a group up to 65 with this certificate up for grabs.
A $525 value for only $400.
Call (707) 474-9510 to inquire futher and look below for more information on Broom Ball.
CLICK HERE for more on what Broom Ball is!
HR Tips for 2017

Need some quick insights on what managing your HR will look like this this year? Take these to-the-point tips from our friend Misty at Elmore HR Consulting.
Make Your Next Date at the Brass Tap in Vacaville
Have you checked out the Brass Tap?
Great beer, wine and spirits and food!
Click HERE for the full menu.

Calling All Business Owners!
Solano Business Group is a monthly pow-wow of local business owners that want to network, gain knowledge of the surrounding business community, and grow their reach through other members.
GOOD NEWS: they are now actively recruiting in this New Year!
Wednesday January 11 12:00 PM at the Alamo Round Table Vacaville, right off the freeway will be their next meeting and feel free to invite other business owners for this rich mixing and mingling of individuals that want to positively impact Solano County and beyond.
There is no fee to join, you simply pay for your lunch and to be considered a part of the group you must first attend (2) consecutive meetings. The Business Group does not double up on your business category. For instance, there is already a realtor and therefore, another one will not be added.
Be the one to fill your field before it's taken!
Plumbers Electricians Handymen AutoBody shops Landscaping Arborists Taxes Event planning Garage Doors Painters Roofers Appliance Repair HVAC Cleaning Companies Pest Control Screen Printing / Promotional Materials Fitness
For more information, contact Raymond Beckham at
Workman's Compensation Changes
CLICK HERE to read up on changes headed our way.
Happy New Year from Better Bookkeepers and here's to an amazing first month of 2017!