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Kristie: Boss Lady Hoping for a Peaceful Year

Incredibly caring and undoubtedly exceptional, Boss Lady Kristie Gardner has had a 2017 unlike any other. Rapidly expanding her two businesses as owner of both Better Bookkeepers and Bottoms Up Tanning & Spa, over the course of two simultaneous store front build outs, personnel changes, and countless of other challenges, she lands in the place of looking at 2017 with a posture of gratefulness.

Specifically, she expressed: “I’m excited that my son was introduced to the sport of cross county and watching him excel at that was super awesome [in 2017]. [Plus] the strength of the team that I work with and watching everyone overcome the hurdles and come together as a strong unit to make a whole bunch of things happen” was also a big accomplishment.

"I’m totally a fan of the word no.”

When asked some of the biggest things she learned, she replied, “I learned me some boundaries in 2017 and the importance of self-care in taking time for myself and actually enjoying things like pedicures and facials. And the word no. I’m totally a fan of the word no.” She expressed how she also learned that “Without boundaries, you can’t truly be successful.” When asked to expand, she went on to say that “It’s a waste of time to get upset about things that you aren’t willing to set your foot down about."

“Without boundaries, you can’t truly be successful.”

For 2018, her top areas of a desire for growth were spiritual, embracing her fifteen-year-old son, Christian, as he comes into young adulthood, and simplifying life both personally and professionally.

When asked what steps she believes she needs to take to see those goals through, she shared: “Spiritually, there are some books I want to read. I don’t want to rush through it, but really embrace it.” In embracing her teenager as he becomes an adult, she went on to say: “I’m going to teach Christian how to drive. Super-duper scary. I’m not a good driver at all. I just type fast. Watching him have a girlfriend [is also] super weird. Hashtag: I’m getting old. And, just watching all the components and all the roots I’ve tried to give him—watching him learn how to create his own boundaries and communicate effectively for himself.”

To simplify life professionally and personally, Kristie wants to “Pull weeds. Both metaphorically and literally. Watch out for suckers in your life. Stop worrying, and stop talking, and stop pondering, and start acting.”

In 2018, she predicts that she’ll have “less acquaintances and stronger friendships.” And giving a plug for services offered at her second business, she also predicts seeing “a lower cost of mascara” because of her eyelash extensions she got at Bottoms Up Tanning & Spa!

By January 2019, Kristie hopes to have grasped onto “Peace and a large savings account.”


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