Are you well etiquette'd?
National Cell Phone Courtesy Month
Tips and Tricks to Help to Sharpen Your Cell Habits
Check in When You Check Out Eye to eye contact is important and not overrated. Put your phone down and ask the cashier how their day is going.
Ding Dong Dear Heyoooo! So when your phone dings, be a dear and don’t look until AFTER we have completed our interaction. Treat others how you would like to be treated.
Pass the Check Stack all cell phones in the middle of the table when out to eat with friends. First person to pick up phone pays the bill. Enjoy your company as much as you are enjoying your meal.
Text Tone Check In Don’t argue via text. A large percentage of the time you could be assuming and not reading the actual tone of what the person is intending to say. Pick up the phone or better yet, go out for ice cream. No one can fight over ice cream.
Law Logistics Abide by cellphone laws to ensure safety. Take the oath to not text and drive.
Movie Courtesy Stay off the phone when you are watching a flick.