Kristie: Founder and CEO

Master of Disaster
Kristie is the Better Bookkeepers Founder and CEO, but when your specialty is helping clients completely transform their messy books, you need a title that paints the right picture.
Kristie’s mission was to create a bookkeeping company that revolved around the core values that she believed in. Integrity, Kindness, Selfless Service, Empowerment, and Bringing the Inspired to the Aspired are the pillars in which her business has stood since 2007.
Kristie is the powerhouse of expertise and resourcefulness behind the beauty and brains of Better Bookkeepers. If you have a question, she has the answer. If she doesn’t know the answer, she has a close by resource to provide a solution.

Along with being a complete “boss babe,” Kristie is known for her caring spirit, tender compassion, and enveloping warmth that makes everyone she meets feel like instant family. Blood, sweat, and tears have gone into the making of an amazing work culture, a thriving business, and a growing team. Though she would be quick to give the credit to her employees and her greatest supporters, Kristie is the one who gives behind the scenes day in and day out to see those around her succeed. That is what makes her a business owner worth supporting and a leader worth following.
This year, Kristie hopes to achieve the same work life balance she is constantly encouraging her clients into, laughing as much as possible, and enjoying the team she’s built.
Outside of the office, you can find Kristie spending time with her son, Christian, and laughing hysterically with “Spicy,” her boo!
When asked where she sees herself at this time next year she said, “Vacationing in the Cayman Islands.” Her team is hoping this will be a corporate retreat of course!

Fun Facts about our Master of Disaster:
Ultimate Celebrity Crush: Chris Hemsworth
Secret Skill: Can roof a house with the help of her pink tool belt
Biggest Pet Peeve: People who are unauthentic or being lied to
Something She Will Never Turn Down: Senorita bread
Go to Karaoke Song: Wasted by Carrie Underwood