Heather: Operations Manager

Organizer of Random Thoughts and Erratic Activity
Heather is our “Operations Manager,” but she’s known best in the office as the “Organizer of Random Thoughts and Erratic Activity.”
Do you believe in fate? We sure do because that is exactly what brought Heather into our office. Thanks to a seemingly random encounter with head honcho Kristie, Heather was welcomed onto the team in October 2018 and the office is a better place because of it.
Heather is strength personified and you only have to talk with her for a moment to realize it. Heather’s specialty is managing the unique myriad of personalities that make up our Better Bookkeepers family. In addition to keeping colleagues on task, Heather excels in completing her own to do list with the utmost quality and meticulousness. She is the one who keeps the well-oiled wheel turning smoothly.

Heather marked out her immediate goals this year to be, “Focusing on education to work at a higher efficiency level individually and as a team which will allow the business to grow and bring on hopeful new clients!"
When asked where she sees herself this time next year, she expressed that she hopes to be “sitting right here with you.” At first the response seemed comical, but then she went on to elaborate that her favorite part about working with Better Bookkeepers is the staff and the work environment we all get to create together.
When Heather is not holding all the pieces together at the office, she is spending time with her family at sporting events, no doubt cheering her kiddos on with all the vigor and excitement that an Organizer of Random Thoughts and Erratic Activity has capacity to express.

Fun Facts about our Organizer of Random Thoughts and Erratic Activity:
Ultimate Celebrity Crush: The Rock
Secret Talent: She is double jointed and can do some crazy stretches with her arms!
Biggest Pet Peeve: Noise—least favorite is the vacuum or doorbell at the office
Something She Will Never Turn Down: Money, Money, Money!!
Go To Karaoke Song: I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor