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Ways To Keep Your Kiddos Entertained: Quarantine Edition

We know many parents are struggling with the shelter in place order, because our own employees are feeling this strain too! In addition to still working, either from home or as an essential worker, they now have to fit in homeschooling, and entertaining their kids around the clock.

When looking at how many hours it takes to tend to all the obligations parents are now juggling, it is like they have two to three full time jobs!

That is why we decided to compile a list of activities that can help our parents keep their kiddos entertained for the rest of quarantine.

1. Bake together, even let them take the lead as you direct. This will make the task take more time, keeping them entertained longer. Watch a movie while the baked goods are in the oven and enjoy!

2. Have a picnic on your lawn, or even inside if you live in a more urban area.

3. Give them recess to play outside and get them off screens. It's starting to get warm enough to even break out kiddie pools, and sprinklers.

4. FaceTime family members, they probably miss their relatives they haven't had the chance to see since the quarantine started and it gives you a chance to take a breather.

5. Do some family cleaning. If you show them that you enjoy it then they will probably enjoy it too, helping them learn some healthy habits.

6. Write letters! This can be fun in addition to teaching them an important life skill. They can even draw and paint pictures to add to the letters. Plus, the receiver of the letter will probably love it just as much as the kids do!

7. Play a board game: Monopoly, Game of life, Chutes and Ladders. Board games are known for being able to entertain for hours.

8. Plant a garden, this will help teach them responsibility and to care for something.

9. Teach your kids chess, it's something that isn't as common these days. Who knows, maybe they'll join chess club when they go back to school.

10. Go for a walk, it'll help the whole family stay active.

11. Bird watch outside and try to identify the birds in your neighborhood. You can even let your kiddos name them.

12. Play chores bingo to help them stay in a routine and even be happy about it. Include things like, brushed teeth, read, went for a walk, washed hands, etc. Give a prize or treat to them when they finish.

13. Do an at home dance class! This will help them stay active and get out lots of wiggles.

14. Practice a different language, you can even learn with them.

Below are several different fun and education virtual resources that you can utilize as well. Click them to be redirected to the appropriate webpage.

We hope we gave you some fun and easy ideas to help keep your kiddos entertained the remainder of this quarantine.

Our last piece of advice is, when in doubt... nap time!


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